Rena is a trained opera, musical theatre & on camera performer. She uses her extensive skills and knowledge to train students technically & provide industry coaching.
Rena is located in Southern California. She coaches both online as well as in person.
In addition to coaching performers Rena offers coaching for parents as they navigate college & working in the industry.
For more information:
Singers are athletes and Rena trains body, mind and soul. Teaching students to understand their instrument and connection to storytelling.
Rena is trained in Meisner technique & uses this technique as well as her extensive on camera training & experience to teach acting to performers.
Rena has extensive knowledge of "the business" from her work as an opera singer, musical theatre performer & on camera actor. Rena is also a mom of a young working actor, Gordon Mudd. Rena loves sharing her knowledge with other parents and giving them tools to support their children in this ever changing industry.
Rena Wilson